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How to Create a Full Moon Ritual That Works For You

How to Create a Full Moon Ritual That Works For You

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Performing a Full Moon ritual can help us to release all that no longer serves us. But how do you create a Full Moon ritual that works for you? 

This ultimate guide on Full Moon rituals explains how to plan, prepare and perform your lunar ritual to harness the magic of the moon. 

1 Identify The Date of the Next Full Moon

Track lunar cycles so you know when the next Full Moon takes place. Then you’ll be able to clear some time in your schedule to perform your Full Moon ritual. 

You can add moon cycles to your Google account really easily by visiting the Calendar section and choosing Other Calendars.

From there, you’ll see a drop down and an option to select ‘Browse Interesting Calendars’, where the phases of the Moon will appear as an option. 

Once you have added the Full Moon dates to your Google calendar, you’ll never need to search ‘when is the next Full Moon?’ again!

2 Prepare for the Full Moon Energy

It’s important to know which zodiac sign the Full Moon takes place in before you start your Full Moon ritual. This will help you to focus on the area of your life that the Full Moon is most likely to affect. 

In the few days before the Full Moon, you’ll feel the lunar energy building and it can be a restless time.

Sleep patterns are often disrupted in the build up to a Full Moon. Some people even notice physical symptoms like migraines, swollen stomachs and period pains coinciding with Full Moons.  

The lunar energy may affect you differently, but start to take note of how you feel around the time of each Full Moon. Also pay attention to how it affects the energy of other people you come into contact with. 

It’s also a good idea to discover the Sun and Moon signs of friends and family, so you know who may be more sensitive to particular Full Moons. 

People with The Sun or Moon in Cancer tend to be most emotionally affected by all Full Moons, given that The Moon rules Cancer. 

But other zodiac signs are affected by Full Moon energy in different ways, especially when a Full Moon falls in the sign of their Sun, Moon or Ascendant. 

3 Schedule Your Full Moon Ritual

The exact time that The Moon is full may not be the best or most convenient time for you to have your Full Moon Ritual. For example, it could be at 2am on a weekday when you need to get up for work the next day.

That’s okay – you have a 72 hour window around the Full Moon time to harness its energy.

If you plan your Full Moon Ritual in advance, it means you can block off your diary and fully prepare to let the lunar energy flow undisturbed.  

4 Charge Your Crystals

If you have favourite crystals that you want to use as part of your ritual then it’s a good idea to charge them beforehand.

You can charge your crystals by placing them under the moonlight, allowing them to bathe in the lunar energy when it’s at its fullest. However, avoid charging your crystals if the Full Moon is also an eclipse, as lunar and solar eclipse energy is erratic.

Charging your crystals loads them with feminine, spiritual energy that can help things flow during your Full Moon ritual. The perfect time to charge your crystals is the night before your ritual, rather than through the day.

Crystals can be charged outside on the ground, which is a great way of connecting the earth with the lunar rays. If you can’t get outdoors then charge your crystals on a windowsill indoors to expose them to the light of the Full Moon. 

Be aware that some crystals, like selenite, aren’t compatible with water. If you think there’s a chance of rain and you’re not sure how your crystals will react, it’s best to keep them indoors. 

5 Create Your Full Moon Altar

A Full Moon altar is a sacred space that you create, either indoors or outdoors, where you’ll perform your Full Moon ritual.

It doesn’t have to be a literal altar, but it should be a small space where you can place some symbolic objects to help you harness the lunar energy.

You can create a Full Moon altar in your living room or bedroom, but make sure it’s a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. 

Creating your Full Moon altar in advance will help you prepare for your ritual. Here’s some ideas for creating your Full Moon altar:

  • white candles
  • crystals
  • essential oils 
  • notebook/piece of paper
  • bowl of water
  • smudge sticks
  • palo santo
  • tarot cards
  • soothing music
  • eye mask
  • moon water (collected in a glass jar or bowl that has been sitting under the Full Moon)
  • an object related to or symbolic of the zodiac sign the Full Moon falls in
  • an object related to or symbolic of things you want to let go of during your Full Moon Ritual

6 Perform Your Full Moon Ritual

Set the Scene

Using the objects you’ve collated for your Full Moon altar, create a calm space to perform your Full Moon Ritual.

Smudge your area, light candles, make a hot drink and play soothing music. Get yourself into a comfortable position where you can relax your body, take deep breaths and welcome some calm.

Do whatever works for you at this stage to prepare for aligning with the Full Moon’s energy.

Full Moon Meditation

Your Full Moon ritual is a time where you can think about all the things that no longer serve you and let them go.

If you’re not sure how to do this, or nothing in particular comes to mind, start off with a Full Moon meditation.

​Mediating on the night of the Full Moon is a great time to tap into the lunar energy. You can perform a solo mediation or join a Full Moon circle for group meditation. 

Take a few minutes to think about the energy of the zodiac sign that the Full Moon falls in.

Who or what is holding you back from reaching your true potential in this area? What hasn’t worked out? Is it time to let go of this and focus on something better?

Let your mind explore all the thoughts during guided meditation, even if they’re negative, and notice how they make you feel.

See Also
full moon in Aquarius

When you’re ready, open your eyes and move on to the next step.

Release What No Longer Serves You

The Full Moon is a powerful time to release the things that are causing you pain or preventing you from moving forward.

Take a notebook or a piece of paper and start to write down all the things you want to release.

If you are struggling for ideas or feel blocked, pull a tarot card and use your intuition to tap into the message.

Performing one card tarot readings for yourself can help you visualise positive change and prepare for new beginnings. 

Try to write between 3-8 things that you want to let go of during the Full Moon. Releasing these things helps to make room for manifesting something better on the New Moon. 

You can burn this list, rip it up or flush it away in water. The important thing about this step is symbolically releasing this negative energy.

Do whatever feels natural to you and ask the Full Moon to support you as you make way for growth in your life. 

7 Close Your Full Moon Ritual

You can close your Full Moon ritual by blowing out your candles, switching on the lights or saying out loud that your Full Moon Ritual is complete.

Some people close a Full Moon ritual by taking a moon bath. Just as we bathe in The Sun, we can also bathe in The Moon! 

You can take a Full Moon bath by going outside at night after your ritual and soaking up the magical lunar energy.

A moon bath helps us to benefit from the power of the Full Moon when it touches our skin. Connecting with energy of the moon outdoors after a Full Moon ritual can feel empowering, especially if it’s bright and visible in the sky.

8 Make a Commitment to Lunar Living

Now that you know how to perform a Full Moon ritual, it’s time to go to a deeper level and make this part of your monthly cycle.

You might not feel the benefits of your Full Moon ritual straight away, and that’s okay.

Sometimes it can take time for The Moon magic to work out. It’s important to trust the timing of the universe when you release things from your life and your thoughts. 

Looking for details on New Moon rituals? You can read all about them in this post.

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