April Horoscope 2024

Editor and Aries-in-Chief at The Zodiac Style. Studied at the…
April Monthly Horoscope Overview
Aries season hits some turbulence this month with Mercury Retrograde in the sign of the ram from the 1st April. Expect some reviewing and refining to take place when it comes to 1st House issues, as Aries rules your name, face, profile and image.
Venus in Aries from the 5th encourages self-promotion, but things won’t move as fast as usual due to Mercury retrograde. There are better times to launch a personal brand or promote yourself on LinkedIn, for example.
The New Moon in Aries on the 8th is a total solar eclipse and one that has potential to bring dramatic developments. Eclipses conceal, never reveal, so we need to wait for the full story to become clearer at a later date.
This solar eclipse takes place at 19 degrees Aries, so if you know your natal chart, look out for placements at the exact degree. That’s the area of your life where you’re most likely to be triggered by sudden changes or new developments.
Kate Middleton, the current Princess of Wales, has been in the news recently with speculation surrounding her health and status. It’s interesting to note that her natal chart is directly hit by this solar eclipse, with her Capricorn Sun and Leo Ascendant both at 19 degrees.

Leo rules royalty and Capricorn is tied to status, so it’s worth watching closely over the coming months to see what this solar eclipse brings for Catherine the Duchess of Cambridge.
Read on to discover the April horoscope for your zodiac sign…
April 2024 Astrology (Universal Time)
- 1st April – Mercury Retrograde in Aries
- 5th April – Venus enters Aries
- 8th April – New Moon in Aries (Total Solar Eclipse)
- 19th April – Sun enters Taurus
- 21st April – Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus
- 24th April – Full Moon in Scorpio
- 25th April – Mercury Direct in Aries
- 29th April – Venus enters Taurus
- 30th April – Mars enters Aries
Aries April Horoscope (21st March-19th April)
Aries season is in full swing this month so get ready for your annual astrological glow up. The Sun is in your sign until the 19th of the month and it’s all about your image, face and name.
There’s a caveat to this year’s Aries season in the form of Mercury Retrograde. This affects your personal goals and anything related to your image and appearance.
From the 1st April, Mercury Retrograde in Aries makes personal communication slower than you’d like for most of the month. If you want to launch or relaunch something that is tied to your name or face, leave it until Mercury is direct in your sign from the 25th.
Venus moves into your sign from the 5th, adding to your magnetism this month. Use the next three weeks to charm your way to what you want!
The New Moon in Aries on the 8th is your Lunar New Year but it’s also a total solar eclipse in your sign. Eclipses conceal and the full story isn’t revealed until a later date. This could feel very personal, Aries, but try not to get swept up in any drama.
Questions around money, sex and power could come to a head around the Full Moon in Scorpio on the 24th. You don’t want to feel in debt to anyone, so settle any old scores and close the chapter on this book for good.
Taurus April Horoscope (20th April-20th May)
It’s a low key start to the month, as the Sun settles in Aries and your 12th House of inner wellbeing. Self-care is your priority right now, so rest, relax and recharge your batteries for the first few weeks of the month.
From the 1st April, Mercury Retrograde in Aries brings communication, technology and travel issues to the world. However, it’s a good time to revisit any old issues and try to find a way to resolve them this time.
Try some new meditation, yoga or therapy techniques this month to channel some positive energy. Some Taureans will even find money-making opportunities from alternative therapies whale Venus in Aries from the 5th.
The New Moon in Aries on the 8th is a total solar eclipse with potential to disrupt your psyche. Eclipses conceal and the full story isn’t revealed until a later date, so avoid making any snap decisions until you can see the situation clearly.
Taurus season starts early this year, with the Sun in your sign from the 19th. The Sun in Taurus will give beautiful bulls a boost, so make the most of the good vibes.
Watch out for the Full Moon in Scorpio on the 24th, which falls in your 7th House of relationships and partnerships. You’ll feel more positive about things when Venus moves into Taurus on the 29th.
Gemini April Horoscope (21st May-20th June)
Your ruling planet Mercury retrogrades through Aries for most of the month, making things feel slightly chaotic. This transit visits your 10th House of career, ambition and mission, so don’t be surprised if a former colleague or workplace reaches out.
It’s up to you whether an opportunity connected to the past is worth pursuing. If you can, delay any important career decisions until Mercury goes direct on the 25th.
This month feels sociable, as The Sun moves through your 11th House of groups and teams. The spotlight is on this area of your life until the 19th, so it’s a fun time.
The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 8th has potential to bring dramatic changes to group dynamics. You might not be seeing the whole situation clearly, though, so take some time to reflect on what this means for you.
The Scorpio Full Moon on the 24th falls in your 6th House of work and wellness, making things feel a bit tense. If you’ve been thinking about making changes to your daily routine, this could be the time to let go of your previous way of doing things.
Cancer April Horoscope (21st June-22nd July)
The Sun shines brightly in your 10th House of career this month, so you’ll feel like all eyes are on you. However, Mercury Retrogrades in this area of your chart from the 1st, making communication feel difficult.
There are better times to update your LinkedIn status or ask for a discussion around your role and responsibilities. Wait until Mercury goes direct on the 25th to state your case.
There’s a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 8th, which has the potential to bring dramatic developments in your career or professional life. Be aware that eclipses conceal, so you may not see the full story until a later date.
The Full Moon in Scorpio on the 24th falls in your house of romance and creativity. Nostalgic thoughts consume you, but focusing on the present will bring you more joy.
Leo April Horoscope (23rd July-22nd August)
You’re thinking about major expansion this month with The Sun in your 9th House of long distance travel and higher learning. Be aware that Mercury Retrogrades in Aries from the 1st, though, so delay booking anything until it goes direct on the 25th.
The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 8th could also bring news that affects your expansion plans. You may feel unsettled by the eclipse, but try to avoid any dramatic reactions when you don’t have the full picture yet.
Long distance love and exotic travel plans look very attractive this month, with Venus in Aries from the 5th. Try to take the rose tinted glasses off before you commit cash or time to a situation that may turn out to be a pipedream.
The Sun in Taurus from the 19th brings your ambitions into focus for the next few weeks. You’ll be in the professional spotlight, so enjoy your time to shine on the career stage.
A tricky Full Moon in Scorpio on the 24th rocks your home and family zone, urging you to think about what home really means to you. An end to one situation can bring a welcome new beginning, but try to stay calm if it’s not the outcome you hoped for.
Virgo April Horoscope (23rd August-22nd September)
You start the month with The Sun and your ruling planet Mercury in your 8th House of financial and emotional commitments. Mercury retrograde in Aries from 1st-25th April causes chaos and confusion, so delay making major decisions during this time.
The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 8th could also bring massive news or changes affecting your emotional and financial investments. This can feel unsettling, but the potential for improvements is huge.
The Full Moon in Scorpio on the 24th illuminates your close connections and communication issues. Try to resolve any misunderstandings with siblings, besties and neighbours quickly before the situation gets out of hand.
Life feels a bit lighter when Mercury goes direct on the 25th, bringing clarity to any important decisions you need to make. It’s an intense month, Virgo, but one that has potential to bring positive changes to your life.
Libra April Horoscope (23rd September-22nd October)
The focus is on your partnerships this month with The Sun in your opposite 7th House. Work partnerships and romantic relationships deserve your time in April, but Mercury retrograde makes communication challenging.
The powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 8th affects your duels and duets. Whether it’s a friend or foe on the opposite side of the scales, this eclipse can make things feel tense with the other person.
Your ruling planet Venus is in Aries for most of the month, bringing some light relief during eclipse season. Venus in this area of your chart improves your prospects for love and money, especially when a partnership is involved.
On 24th April the Full Moon in Scorpio rocks your 2nd House of worth and values. Look inwards to improve your sense of worth, rather than waiting for external validation.
Scorpio April Horoscope (23rd October-21st November)
The month starts with a burst of energy and enthusiasm, as The Sun shines a spotlight on your work and wellness routines. With Mercury retrograde in this area of your chart for most of the month, you could find a return to a previous health regime or place of work pays off for you.
The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 8th could force you to make necessary changes to improve your work/life balance. Pay attention to the details and try to get all the facts before your act.
Make sure you can afford what you’re committing to in the longer term because Venus in Aries from the 5th can encourage unnecessary spending. Look for alternatives to expensive gym memberships, food subscription boxes and personal training plans until you’re sure this is a routine you’ll stick with.
Prioritise self-care around the Full Moon in your sign on the 24th. You’re made of strong stuff and will emerge like a phoenix from the flames next month.
Sagittarius April Horoscope (22nd November-21st December)
The Sun lights up your 5th House of fun, romance and creativity for most of the month, so April promises lots of fun. However, Mercury Retrograde in Aries is also here to add some chaos to plans.
Venus enters Aries on the 5th, adding some gorgeous vibes to your love life and passion projects. If you have an announcement to make here, wait until Mercury goes direct on the 25th.
The New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 8th may bring some revelations affecting romantic partners, children, younger people and creative pursuits. There are better times to make decisions, though, so wait it out.
Your ruling planet Jupiter has almost finished its year-long adventure through Taurus. The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction on the 21st could bring massive rewards or recognition for the work and wellness goals you started last spring.
The emotional Full Moon in Scorpio on the 24th feels nostalgic. It’s okay to reminisce about the past, but try to think positively about your future, too.
Capricorn April Horoscope (22nd December-19th January)
This month is all about your domestic setup, but things could feel quite intense. Mercury retrogrades through your home zone from the 1st, bringing communication chaos to family and property matters.
The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries intensifies things, bringing news that could spell changes on the home front. Make sure you have all the information before acting on any unexpected developments.
When the Sun moves into Taurus on the 19th, you’ll notice a calming shift in energy. Focus on romance, creativity and younger people to enjoy some fun times.
The Full Moon in Scorpio on the 24th is one to avoid when it comes to dramas involving social media, team mates or friendship circles. Stay calm and think before you speak, even if your words are well-intentioned.
Aquarius April Horoscope (20th January-18th February)
The Sun is in Aries for most of the month, motivating you to embrace your social butterfly era. But Mercury retrograde brings chaos to social plans involving short distance travel, so have a Plan B and C if needed!
The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 8th could bring tension to your inner circle. Issues with close friends, siblings and neighbours could quickly escalate, so try to avoid conflict where you can.
Venus is in Aries from the 5th, so romantic or financial opportunities could be closer than you think. Use this month to check out your local neighbourhood and meet up with friends that feel like family.
On the 24th, a Full Moon in Scorpio falls in your career zone, signalling the end of a professional chapter. Whether you’re moving on or moving up, change is on the horizon.
Pisces March Horoscope (19th February-20th March)
Your finances are in focus as the month begins, with the Sun shining a light on your money zone. What’s really on your mind is your self-worth and it’s important that you’re not selling yourself short.
Mercury Retrograde in Aries from the 1st of the month adds to the confusion in this area. There are better times to communicate your financial goals, so use this time to review and refine instead.
The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 8th brings intensity to your financial situation. Changes may be needed, but ensure you know the full facts before you act.
The Full Moon in Scorpio on the 24th April could bring an end to a long-distance attachment or period of study. It’s time to think about how you can expand your horizons in different ways for the rest of the year.
Editor and Aries-in-Chief at The Zodiac Style. Studied at the London School of Astrology and The Sun Sign School. Whole Sign house system enthusiast. Born with Gemini North Node in the 9th House, so writing and publishing is my calling. Blame my Libra Rising/Taurus Venus for my expensive taste in fashion.