December Horoscope 2023

Editor and Aries-in-Chief at The Zodiac Style. Studied at the…
Discover what this month has in store for your zodiac sign with your December horoscope. Your monthly horoscope for December gives you helpful hints about what the universe has in store for you, when it comes to love, money, career and friendships. Remember to also read your 2024 yearly horoscope for an annual forecast.
Aries December Horoscope (21st March-19th April)
You’re on the final stretch, Aries, so hang in there! If you didn’t manage to visit all the places on your wishlist this year, then use the New Moon on the 12th December to set your travel intentions for next year. Mercury retrogrades in Capricorn the following day, making the end of your work year frustratingly slow. Smart Aries will welcome the rare opportunity to slack off as the holiday season approaches!
A Full Moon in Cancer on the 27th lights up your home and family zone, urging you to think about what home really means to you. When Jupiter goes direct in your 2nd House of finance and values, you could get a welcome boost in your worth (or self-worth) to start the new year.
Taurus December Horoscope (20th April-20th May)
You start the month with serious intentions of getting things signed, sealed and delivered. The focus is on your credits and debits, as The Sun shines a light on your 8th House of karma. If you owe or are owed something, then it’s best to settle the balance before the holidays. The Full Moon in Cancer on 27th December illuminates your close connections and this could be a special time for a big reunion. Jupiter, the planet of expansion and opportunities, turns direct in your sign on New Year’s Eve, so get ready for your glow up!
Gemini December Horoscope (21st May-20th June)
The focus is on your other half as the month begins with The Sun in your 7th House. Geminis love a duet, so pay attention to the important double acts in your life over the coming weeks. Work partnerships and romantic relationships deserve your time in December. Use the powerful New Moon on the 12th to set better intentions for your relationships over the coming year. Your ruling planet Mercury retrogrades from the 13th, bringing some chaos to your commitments. Read the fine print and double check the details on any important agreements over the festive season. The 27th December Full Moon falls in your 2nd House of worth and values, which could bring some repressed emotions and unresolved issues to the surface.Deal with these swiftly to avoid carrying any negativity into next year.
Cancer December Horoscope (21st June-22nd July)
The month kicks off with a burst of energy and enthusiasm, as The Sun shines a spotlight on personal and professional growth. A New Moon in your 6th House on the 12th presents opportunities for taking on new responsibilities or projects that showcase your skills and abilities. This could lead to recognition and praise from your superiors, boosting your confidence and motivation. However, as the month progresses, you may encounter some obstacles that require your attention and patience. It’s important to stay grounded and maintain a balanced approach to tackle these challenges effectively. In your personal relationships, communication may be key to resolving any conflicts or misunderstandings that arise as a result of Mercury retrograde from the 13th. Prioritise self-care to ensure your physical and emotional wellbeing isn’t rocked by the Full Moon in Cancer on the 27th.
Leo December Horoscope (23rd July-22nd August)
As the month begins, Leo, you may find yourself feeling the love! The Sun lights up your 5th House of fun, romance and creativity for most of the month, so you’ll be up for embracing the holiday season vibes. If you have felt like life is lacking in this area, however, use the powerful New Moon on the 12th December to set some early New Year resolutions. Setting your intentions can help you get clear about what you want and need when it comes to a romantic partner or creative pursuit. The emotional Full Moon on the 27th December feels nostalgic, so don’t be surprised if you spend the end of the year watching sentimental movies or reminiscing about the past with family and friends.
Virgo December Horoscope (23rd August-22nd September)
This month is all about home and family, as you get ready to wrap up the year in domesticated style. A New Moon on the 12th could bring a new arrival into your family circle, a new home or simply a new way of living that gives you a better work/life balance. Your ruling planet Mercury retrogrades from the 13th, bringing a chaotic vibe to the holiday season. We know you’ll have everything planned to perfection, Virgo, but you may need to double check the details more than usual this year. The Full Moon on the 27th could bring drama to social groups via social media, so do your best not to get involved.
Libra December Horoscope (23rd September-22nd December)
You’ll love the start of the month, as your festive social plans sparkle and shine. The Sun lights up your 3rd House of communication and close contacts during December, so you’ll be in your social butterfly era. The New Moon on the 12th of the month could welcome some new faces to your inner circle. The more the merrier and you’ll love the new dynamic this person or people bring to the group. The mid-month Mercury retrograde could slow things down on the home front. Beware of mixups when it comes to domestic arrangements and property matters. On the 27th December a Full Moon in your career zone could signal the end of a professional chapter. Though you may not make your move until next year, you’ve mentally checked out of your current role. Onwards and upwards, Libra!
Scorpio December Horoscope (23rd December-21st November)
Your finances are in focus as the year comes to a close, with The Sun shining a light on your money zone. Are those Christmas presents really worth it or could you show your affection via a less expensive method? Black Friday bargains may leave you with some buyer’s regret, but this goes deeper than a few discounts. What’s really on your mind is your self-worth, so make sure you’re not selling yourself short when it comes to your personal ties. The New Moon on the 12th is the perfect time to practise some positive affirmations. You’re definitely worth it, Scorpio, so make sure the rest of the zodiac knows it. The Full Moon on the 27th December could see you catching flights instead of feelings. Before you jump ship completely, ask yourself if you’re heading to somewhere better or just running away. If it’s the latter, your problems will follow you wherever you go, even if it is a nice beach.
Sagittarius December Horoscope (22nd November-21st December)
Go Sagi, it’s your birthday, we’re gonna party like, it’s your birthday! December is your personal party season and it just so happens that the rest of the zodiac is in the mood to celebrate with you. The New Moon in your sign on the 12th of the month is like an early New Year for you, so set some personal resolutions for the year ahead. Money will be on your mind from the 22nd, when The Sun moves into serious Capricorn, but steer clear of any major moves around the Full Moon on the 27th. Let the dust settle and leave your power plays for next year instead.
Capricorn December Horoscope (22nd December-19th January)
It’s been a long year Capricorn and you’ll feel like going into hibernation at the start of the month. Self-care is your priority right now, so be choosy about your festive party plans. The New Moon on the 12th December is an ideal time to practise some meditation and relaxation ahead of the hectic holiday period. When Capricorn season swings into action on the 22nd, you’ll be ready to party with the rest of the zodiac. This is your time to shine, especially on the gorgeous Full Moon on the 27th, which lights up your house of love, creativity and romance.
Aquarius December Horoscope (20th January-18th February)
December promises to be a sociable month, as The Sun moves through your 11th House of groups and teams. You may even start a new social scene or embrace a new network around the New Moon on the 12th of the month. Mercury retrogrades mid-month so watch out for mixed signals that play havoc with your emotional wellbeing. As hard as it may be, step back from anyone who doesn’t value your time or feelings. The 27th December sees a Full Moon in your 6th House of work and wellness, urging you to think about what you want your daily life to look like next year. If your current routine ain’t it, find one that serves you better in the year ahead.
Pisces December Horoscope (19th Feb-20th March)
The Sun shines brightly in your 10th House of career this month, making it an important time for you to impress those that matter. While everyone else is winding down, you’re on your way up the ladder, pulling out your best moves ahead of next year. Use the powerful New Moon on the 12th to put yourself in prime position for a new project or dream job. Mercury retrogrades mid-month, bringing chaos to your social plans with groups and teams. Go with the flow to avoid feeling stressed during party season! The Full Moon on the 27th December falls in your house of romance and creativity, so get ready for a festive glow up under the mistletoe.
Editor and Aries-in-Chief at The Zodiac Style. Studied at the London School of Astrology and The Sun Sign School. Whole Sign house system enthusiast. Born with Gemini North Node in the 9th House, so writing and publishing is my calling. Blame my Libra Rising/Taurus Venus for my expensive taste in fashion.