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Spiritual Meaning of The Full Moon in Pisces Explained

Spiritual Meaning of The Full Moon in Pisces Explained

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Falling in Virgo season, the Full Moon in Pisces combines the elements of water and earth, encouraging emotional healing. Pisces energy runs deep, connecting us to our emotions on a spiritual level.

Read on to discover Pisces Full Moon horoscopes, rituals and style advice…

What’s the meaning of the Full Moon in Pisces? 

The Pisces Full Moon is a lunar event that happens when the Moon is at its fullest point in Pisces, opposite the Sun in Virgo. 

The opposing signs of Pisces and Virgo share some similarities. Both star signs are feminine, intuitive and empathetic, so they are the natural healers of the zodiac. Pisces and Virgo show up to be of service in the world, putting the needs of others ahead of themselves. 

The Pisces Moon illuminates spirituality, intuition and emotional healing. Pisces rules all that’s below the surface, so hidden matters and secrets can often come to light on a Pisces Full Moon. 

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac wheel and a Full Moon in this sign can often signal the end of a significant cycle in your life. The water sign energy of a Pisces Full Moon makes this an emotional time where tears flow and you feel ‘all at sea’. But the opposing practical energy of earth sign Virgo helps you organise your emotions and focus on the feelings that matter. 

It’s a powerful time where strong emotions could come to the surface, encouraging you to gain a deeper understanding of your spiritual wellbeing. 

Wondering when the next Full Moon in Pisces takes place? This Full Moon calendar has all the dates you need to know. 

Full Moon in Pisces Horoscope For All Zodiac Signs


The Pisces Full Moon lights up your spiritual 12th House, so this is the perfect time to focus on your inner world. Your subconscious may be trying to tell you something and the Full Moon will illuminate any secrets that you’re keeping from yourself or others. Releasing thoughts and feelings that have been hidden below the surface could feel life changing for you. Focus on your spiritual growth and let your intuition guide you to a place of deeper healing. Listen to your inner voice and your subconscious mind, even though it may feel out of your comfort zone. 


A situation involving your social circle could feel very tense around the Full Moon in Pisces. Your 11th House of friendships, social networks and groups is triggered by this Full Moon, so step away from the scroll and dial down the drama. On a positive note, once those issues are out in the open it gives you an opportunity to resolve things. Your future hopes and dreams could get a boost on this Full Moon, so take the chance to release any old wounds that are holding you back. 


It’s the end of an era in your career, as you say goodbye to a role you’ve taken as far as you can. This may be the culmination of a big project or even a new job on the horizon, but you’re ready to move on to the next challenge. Your 10th House of career is in focus on the Full Moon in Pisces, which means your public reputation and professional life may be in the spotlight. This could be a positive time where you finally get the recognition you deserve for your professional achievements.


The Full Moon in Pisces lights up your adventurous 9th House of higher learning and long distance travel. Be open to relocating if you’ve outgrown your current surroundings. Staying small is not an option right now and you’ll find the greatest fulfilment from expanding your horizons. If you’ve been studying or travelling for a long time, this may be the time to think about what comes next. 


The Pisces Full Moon lands in your 8th House, so shared resources and joint commitments weigh heavily on your mind. Are you in or are you definitely out? The Full Moon illuminates any emotional and financial debts that are weighing you down. Whether you are owed or you owe someone else, it may be time to settle the score and release yourself from ties that bind. Alternatively, you could be ready to go in deeper. Split or commit? That’s the question the Full Moon wants you to answer.


Your 7th House of partnerships and relationships is in focus during the Full Moon in Pisces, your opposite sign. The heightened lunar energy may make your closest relationships feel intense, so take some space if you need it. This is a good time to balance the scales if you’ve been putting in more than you get back from one relationship in particular. If you’re single, you could meet someone that has the potential to be your partner. Opposites attract, so be open to someone that’s not your usual type.


The Full Moon in Pisces could unsettle your daily life and routine, making you feel out of sorts. You like being in control of your schedule, but the lunar energy feels chaotic. This Full Moon could illuminate an important detail you’ve overlooked. Is your work and wellness routine really working for you? Maybe this is the time to let go of the old way and try something new. 


Get ready to feel inspired, Scorpio, because this Full Moon is glowing with potential. The Full Moon in Pisces lights up your 5th House of creative projects, playfulness, pleasure and romance. If your love life has felt lacking recently, then the Full Moon could bring some dramatic developments. You could also be ready to bring any hidden artistic talents to the surface. Be open to letting your hair down and experiencing good times!


This could be an uncomfortable Full Moon for you, as it illuminates your home and family situation. Avoidance is not an option and the Full Moon in Pisces encourages you to deal with any issues related to family members. If it’s the end of the road for a living situation, use this lunar energy to improve your home life. Where do you call home? Is it still your place or have you outgrown it? That’s what this Full Moon is urging you to consider. 

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lunar nodes


The Full Moon in Pisces falls in your 3rd House of communication, so watch your words! The heightened lunar energy could lead to crossed wires or cross words. Avoid any big talks at this time if you can and save them for another day. If you have something to say, leave it until after the Full Moon, when things feel slightly calmer. Your relationships with your neighbours, siblings and friends who feel like family are in focus right now, so think before you speak if you want to keep things harmonious. 


Money matters could come to a head on the Full Moon in Pisces, as your 2nd House of worth and values is triggered. Whether you’ve been undervaluing or overvaluing yourself, the Full Moon will bring clarity to the situation. Use the lunar energy to leave behind a negative situation that’s been impacting on your self-worth. The temptation to spend big in order to comfort yourself will feel strong, but try to resist any impulse purchases. 


The Full Moon in your zodiac sign is an annual reset, bringing your lunar year to a close with a focus on your personal goals. Matters related to your 1st House of self image, identity and appearance could feel magnified. It’s a time for looking into the moonlight and seeing what reflects back. Do you like what you see? This is an opportunity for honest assessment about who you are and who you want to be. 

Full Moon in Pisces Rituals

Pisces is an intuitive water sign that likes to operate on a deeper level than the rest of the zodiac. Ruled by dreamy Neptune, the sign of Pisces can often lean towards believing in the fantasy rather than the reality of a situation. 

Romantic Pisces is the poet of the zodiac, emanating emotional energy through artistic expression, music and spiritual pursuits. 

Your Pisces Full Moon ritual should embrace the energy and strong intuition of this creative water sign!

  • Play soothing music to create a relaxed environment
  • Use watercolours to paint the night sky under the moonlight
  • Practise your favourite yoga or pilates poses 
  • Try a midnight meditation under the light of the moon
  • Go for a relaxing Full Moon bath
  • Perform angel or tarot card readings for yourself, friends and family who need some guidance
  • Cleanse your feet (ruled by Pisces) in the ocean as the tide comes in under the Full Moon
  • Visit a reflexologist or perform a relaxing foot massage on yourself
  • Write down your deepest fears and secrets in ink then cleanse the paper with water to release any negative energy

What to Wear on the Full Moon in Pisces

Pisces Full Moon fashion encourages us to embrace boho style and release our fashionable free spirit. The Pisces aesthetic is Mermaidcore, a favourite look of famous Pisces style icons like Rihanna.

Align with the Pisces Full Moon energy by wearing aquatic colours, shimmering fabrics and seashell accessories. Romantic ruffles, layered tulle and fishnet knits are perfect Full Moon in Pisces fashion choices.

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