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Mercury Retrograde 2024 Explained: Dates, Meaning and Effects

Mercury Retrograde 2024 Explained: Dates, Meaning and Effects

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More than just an internet meme, Mercury retrograde is the astrological event that strikes fear into anyone with a passing interest in the zodiac.

But when is Mercury retrograde in 2024, what’s it all about and is it really that bad?

The Meaning of Mercury Retrograde

Mercury retrograde is the phrase used to describe the time period where, due to a cosmic optical illusion, the planet Mercury appears to be going backwards in the sky.

When Mercury passes the Earth in its orbit, which happens 3-4 times a year, it slows down and appears to stop (station).

The apparent retrograde motion sends Mercury into a backward spin in the sky.

During the retrograde period, which lasts around three weeks, the areas ruled by the transiting planet are affected by this unusual energy and can become slightly chaotic. 

As Mercury rules communication, commutes, commerce and computers, it’s common for glitches, delays and reschedules to happen in these areas of your life at this time. 

Mercury retrograde shadow periods

You may have heard the phrase ‘retroshade’, invented by supercool Sagittarius astrologers, The AstroTwins.

Retroshade is now commonly used to describe the two week periods that occur before and after the actual retrograde of a planet.

During these shadow periods before and after a planet goes retrograde, it is stationing or adjusting, before it goes retrograde (pre-shadow) or direct (post-shadow). 

You will usually feel the energy of a retrograde building during the pre-shadow period and fading out during the post-shadow period. 

The Mercury retrograde effects

An easy way to illustrate how the effects of Mercury retrograde manifests in real life is to look at what would happen if you, say, bought a new laptop during this transit (not advised!). 


Purchase a shiny new laptop, but it starts to play up and you suspect something’s not quite right

Retrograde Period

New computer breaks down and you lose all of your work


A fix is put in place, but the machine still feels a bit slow and temperamental as it recovers all your data 


Your laptop is flying and has now recovered from the early technical issues

When is Mercury retrograde in 2024?

This transit happens a few times a year, so the next Mercury Retrograde is never too far away!

2024 Mercury retrograde dates (Universal Time)

  • 13th December 2023-2nd January 2024 (Capricorn & Sagittarius)
  • 1st-25th April (Aries)
  • 5th-28th August (Virgo & Leo)
  • 26th November-5th December (Sagittarius)

How to triumph during this transit

In general, retrograde periods are a good time for anything with a ‘re’ prefix:

  • Recharge
  • Revise
  • Reattempt
  • Reconnect
  • Relaunch

So recharge those batteries, revise your presentation and relaunch that blog that failed the first time around, possibly during a previous retrograde!

Reconnecting with an ex or former friend can be common themes of retrogrades, but proceed with caution if there’s a valid reason for this person no longer being in your life. Nothing haunts us like the ghosts of retrograde past!

The retrograde phase isn’t good for new initiatives, first attempts and purchases, particularly if it involves signing contracts, buying technology or booking transport. 

If you must go ahead during a retrograde, always have a backup plan if things don’t work out as you’d hoped.

Think travelling from A to B via C due to an unexpected redirect – you’ll get there in the end, but not as fast or easily as if you’d waited until the retrograde was over!

Will Mercury Retrograde affect your zodiac sign?

Mercury is the planet of communication, so all zodiac signs are affected by Mercury retrograde in some way.

If you’re a Gemini or Virgo, your ruling planet is Mercury, so you’ll always feel a bit out of sorts when this planet is spinning in the cosmos. 

Similarly, if your rising sign is Gemini or Virgo, then Mercury is your natal chart ruler, therefore you’ll also want to pay attention to Mercury transits. 

How this transit affects each sign depends on which house the retrograde is travelling through in the solar chart. 

Most astrologers who have an interest in this transit will mention it in their weekly or monthly horoscopes, so you’ll know how you’re likely to be affected by it. 

Mercury Retrograde in Aries/1st House

When Mercury retrogrades through Aries and the 1st House, it’s not the best time to be thinking about launching a new image or communicating about a personal project. Instead, think of using this time to rework your profile and delay the launch when Mercury goes direct. 

Mercury Retrograde in Taurus/2nd House 

Give yourself some extra time for money matters during Mercury Retrograde in Taurus and the 2nd House. This is a good time to review your finances and a bad time to make impulse big ticket purchases.

Mercury Retrograde in Gemini/3rd House

The third house of communication is ruled by Mercury, so when it retrogrades here, things can feel extra chaotic. Prepare for technology issues, mixed signals and travel plans going awry in your day-to-day life. 

Mercury Retrograde in Cancer/4th House

Relations with family members can feel all at sea when Mercury retrogrades through Cancer and the 4th House of your chart. Expect delays on property-related issues and hold off signing any new contracts related to leasing or buying a home until Mercury goes direct again. 

See Also
lunar nodes

Mercury Retrograde in Leo/5th House

Your love life could suffer from poor communication and misinformation during Mercury retrograde in Leo and the 5th House. This is also a time when ex-lovers and past romantic issues come back to the surface, so use this time to deal with things once and for all. 

Mercury Retrograde in Virgo/6th House

Things could feel like hard work when Mercury retrogrades in Virgo and the 6th House. This is because Mercury also rules Virgo, a zodiac sign that traditionally likes order and routine. When Mercury retrogrades here, work and wellness routines could become chaotic. Double check the details on important documents and re-read the small print before you sign anything. 

Mercury Retrograde in Libra/7th House

Old partners and relationship issues from the past could rear their head during the period of time when Mercury retrogrades in Libra and the 7th House. It’s a good time to connect with ex-partners if you think this is the right thing to do, but avoid beginning any new relationship during this transit. 

Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio/8th House

Your sexual, emotional and financial commitments go through a period of flux during this transit. Mercury retrograde in Scorpio and the 8th House causes chaos when it comes to the areas you’re most heavily invested in. Sex with an ex could be on the cards, but it’s not a great time to begin a significant relationship with someone new. Take a closer look at your investments during this time and review any outstanding debts. 

Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius/9th House

The final Mercury retrograde of the year is often in Sagittarius and the 9th House, causing disruption to holiday season plans. There are far easier periods of the year to embark on long distance journeys, but if you do have to travel then always have a backup plan. On the plus side, this can be a great time to review travel plans and revise coursework before taking an exam or starting an educational course. 

Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn/10th House

When Mercury retrogrades through Capricorn and the 10th House of career and status, you could feel like your rise to the top of the mountain has stalled, albeit temporarily. It’s not a great time to start a new job but old colleagues and workplaces could resurface around this time. Maybe a far better position opens up in a company you used to work for or an ex-boss can provide help to you in your current role. These are good examples of how Mercury retrograde in Capricorn can actually work to your advantage when it comes to your career. 

Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius/11th House

Old friends and ex-lovers can resurface when Mercury retrogrades in Aquarius and the 11th House. Expect problems with social media, technology and teams during this time period too. 

Mercury Retrograde in Pisces/12th House

Pay attention to your mental health and nervous system when Mercury retrogrades in Pisces and the 12th House. Your mind could go on a retrograde journey, regurgitating past anxieties and traumas that feel painful. However, you can use this time positively to tie up loose ends and heal from past wounds, maybe with some help from a professional. 

Mercury Retrograde and your birth chart

If you’re more advanced in your astrology, then check your chart to see where Mercury falls.

This will give you some insight into how Mercury influences your communication style and capacity for learning, but also how you are likely to be affected when the planet goes retrograde. 

Pay attention to the house, zodiac sign and degree that Mercury is at in your chart. If you know that the next Mercury retrograde is in Scorpio at 9 degrees, how does that look in your chart?

Which area of your life (house) does this transit and do you have any planets at the same degrees in your chart?

You’ll want to circle any dates where it looks like your chart is in the direct path of the retrograde and make sure your backup plans are in check. 

There’s even a theory that if Mercury was retrograde when you were born, this transit can actually be favourable for you. 

So Mercury retrograde isn’t all bad – you just need to have a backup plan (or three) and trust that the universe has got your back if you’re on your second shot at something.

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