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June Horoscope 2024

June Horoscope 2024

sofia ceres williams
June horoscope

June Monthly Horoscope Overview

Welcome to your June horoscope, where Gemini season is in full swing! The first week of the month brings a vibrant summer energy with lots of planetary activity in Gemini. Mercury in Gemini feels right at home, meeting up with the Sun, Jupiter and Venus in Gemini.

The Gemini New Moon on the 6th is an ideal time to reset any communication, commerce and commuting goals that have been playing on your mind. Welcome a new neighbourhood or neighbours or a new venture involving your siblings or friends that feel like family.

Mars moves into Taurus on the 9th, slowing down the pace a bit. Don’t be surprised if people become a bit more stubborn in pursuit of their goals and obstacles feel immovable. Slow and steady wins the race during the Mars in Taurus transit, so think long term and use this time to become more strategic.

Venus and Mercury move into Cancer on the 17th, joined by the Sun on the 20th for the official start to Cancer season. Intuitive communication and deeper connections are encouraged during this time, when there’s a pile-up of planets in this water sign. 

June Capricorn Weather

This year we have two Full Moons in Capricorn, the first of which lands on 22nd June. The Capricorn Full Moon is a time of closure on career, business and status goals.

On a global level, both France and the UK have called general elections for the first week in July, so this full moon could signal the beginning of the end for long-established ruling governments and political parties in both countries.

Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, increasing the power that governments and corporations have over people. However, Pluto has started its shift into Aquarius, spelling an end to this phase. During this Pluto in Aquarius transit, we will see the rise of people power and communities working together to fight against established and traditional forms of rulership that have failed to serve the best interests of the people.

The Capricorn Full Moons this summer could play a huge part in this transformative period for governments, republics and ruling royal families around the world.   

June 2024 Astrology (Universal Time)

  • 3rd June – Mercury enters Gemini
  • 6th June – New Moon in Gemini
  • 9th June – Mars enters Taurus
  • 17th June – Venus enters Cancer
  • 17th June – Mercury enters Cancer
  • 20th June – Sun enters Cancer
  • 22nd June – Full Moon in Capricorn
  • 29th June – Saturn Retrograde in Pisces

Aries June Horoscope (21st March-19th April)

The Sun is in Gemini for most of the month, so you’ll be ready to embrace your social butterfly era. The New Moon in Gemini on the 6th is an ideal time to visit a cool local hangout with close friends and siblings or socialise at an event in your neighbourhood.

Venus is in Gemini at the start of the month, so romantic or financial opportunities could be closer than you think. Use this month to check out potential business opportunities in your local neighbourhood or go on a fun date with someone in your area. If you’re single, a sibling or neighbour could introduce you to someone that takes your fancy!

Your fiery ruling planet Mars moves into stubborn Taurus on the 9th, bringing frustrations to your plans. You hate having to slow down under any circumstances but try to embrace this slower pace and indulge in some much-needed down time. 

Cancer season is in full swing from the 20th and it’s an opportunity for you to welcome the benefits of spending time with family and friends in and around your home. A summer staycation could be just what you need to recharge your batteries while Mars is in a sluggish position. 

On the 22nd, a Full Moon in Capricorn falls in your career and status zone, bringing a tough decision for many Aries. If you’re unhappy with your current job title or life status, this could be a watershed moment. Focusing on your ideal future status will naturally bring an ending to any status-related situation you’ve outgrown. 

Taurus June Horoscope (20th April-20th May)

Your favourite subjects, finances and possessions, are in focus as the month begins, with the Sun shining a light on your 2nd House of money and values. What’s really on your mind is your self-worth and it’s important that you’re setting a personal price tag that matches your own valuation.

The New Moon in Gemini on the 6th is a good time to start an exciting new financial chapter. Set your money-related intentions using the positive lunar energy to boost your earning potential over the coming months.  

Your ruling planet Venus is on the move this month, meeting up with Mercury and the Sun in Cancer. This spells a sociable time for you, so connect with siblings, neighbours and the friends that feel like family for good times!

The Full Moon in Capricorn on the 22nd could bring an end to long term goals related to travel, study or education. It’s time to think about how you can expand your horizons in different ways for the rest of the year. 

Gemini June Horoscope (21st May-20th June)

It’s Gemini season and it’s all about you for most of the month. With lucky Jupiter, Venus and your ruling planet Mercury also in your sign from 3rd June, your image, face and name could reward you in a big way. 

The New Moon in Gemini on the 6th is a lunar signal to set some personal intentions for the year ahead. Ask the universe for what you want and work on manifesting this over the next six months. 

Questions around money, sex and power could come to a head around the Full Moon in Capricorn on the 22nd. You don’t want to feel in debt to anyone, so settle any old scores and close the chapter on this book for good. 

Cancer June Horoscope (21st June-22nd July)

It’s a low key start to the month with lots of planets in your 12th House of secrets, privacy and inner wellbeing. Self-care is your priority right now, so rest, relax and recharge your batteries for the first few weeks of the month.

The New Moon in Gemini on the 6th is a great time to set some spiritual intentions. Your intuition will guide you on what needs to change below the surface so your mind, body and spirit feels more in alignment.

Cancer season starts early this year, with the Sun in your sign from the 20th. The Sun in Cancer is joined by Venus and Mercury in your sign too, bringing good vibes for creative crabs.

The Full Moon in Capricorn on 22nd June is one to watch, as it hits your opposite sign. This could bring some challenges in your business and romantic relationships so tread carefully to avoid ending the month on a low note. 

Leo June Horoscope (23rd July-22nd August)

June is a sociable month, with plenty of planets in your 11th House of groups and teams. The spotlight is on this area of your life until the 20th, bringing plenty of opportunities for improving your life via people power. 

The New Moon in Gemini on the 6th brings positive vibes to any new social group or political movement that you decide to join. With Mercury, Venus and Jupiter also in Gemini right now, this is a collective effort that has potential to bring lots of fun, love, and money if you want it, into your life.

The Capricorn Full Moon on the 22nd falls in your 6th House of work and wellness, making things feel a bit tense. If you’ve been thinking about making changes to your daily routine, this could be the time to let go of your previous way of doing things. 

Virgo June Horoscope (23rd August-22nd September)

Your ambition, mission and position is in the spotlight this month with a planetary pile-up in your 10th House of status. The New Moon in Gemini on the 6th has great potential if you’re looking for a new role or status that’s more aligned with your personal mission statement.

Your ruling planet Mercury moves into Cancer mid-month, meeting up with Venus and the Sun in Cancer from the 20th. This makes the end of June feel a bit more relaxed and sociable, with a focus on friendships, groups and teams.

The Full Moon in Capricorn on the 22nd falls in your house of romance, children and creativity. With two Full Moons in Capricorn this summer, this could be an area of your life that changes dramatically. Many Virgos will be feeling nostalgic about the end of a chapter, but there’s room for something new and exciting to light up this area of your life. Embrace the change, dear Virgo!

Libra June Horoscope (23rd September-22nd October)

You’re thinking about major moves this month with so many planets in your 9th House of long distance travel and higher learning. The New Moon in Gemini on the 6th could be the time to begin an expansive new chapter that involves a foreign country, language or person. 

Your ruling planet Venus joins Mercury and the Sun in Cancer from the 20th, bringing your ambitions into focus for the next few weeks. You’ll be in the professional spotlight, so enjoy your time to shine on the career stage. 

A Full Moon in Capricorn on the 22nd lands in your home and family zone, urging you to think about what home really means to you. This is the first of two full moons in Capricorn this year, so you’ll feel the effects of this over the summer. You may decide that a change to your domestic setup is inevitable by the time of the second Capricorn Full Moon in July.  

See Also
December horoscope

Scorpio June Horoscope (23rd October-21st November)

June is all about your deep 8th House of financial and emotional commitments. With plenty of planets in Gemini at the start of the month, you could be ready to go all in on something or someone you feel so strongly about.

The New Moon in Gemini on the 6th brings a new emotional or financial investment. Some signs shy away from commitment but once you’re in, you’re in, Scorpio. 

Your ruling planet Mars enters Taurus on the 9th, motivating you to make partnerships of all kinds work for you. Taurus is your opposite sign so if anyone is standing in your way, you’ll be ready to challenge them with full Scorpio force!

The Full Moon in Capricorn on the 22nd magnifies communication issues with those closest to you. Try to resolve any misunderstandings with siblings, besties and neighbours quickly before the situation gets out of hand. 

Sagittarius June Horoscope (22nd November-21st December)

The focus is on your partnerships this month with the Sun, Venus, Mercury and your ruling planet Jupiter in your 7th House. Jupiter moved into your opposite sign Gemini at the end of May, signalling the start of a year-long focus on expanding the opportunities in this area of your life.

The positive New Moon in Gemini on the 6th may be the time to set some new intentions for your work and romantic relationships. You have luck on your side with Jupiter in Gemini, so think big and the universe may deliver over the coming months.   

The Full Moon in Capricorn on the 22nd affects your 2nd House of worth and values. With two Capricorn full moons this year, many Sagittarius people will be feeling the effects of a change in financial circumstances this summer. Whether the change is positive or negative, it’s a situation that needs to be managed to avoid issues further down the line.   

Capricorn June Horoscope (22nd December-19th January)

The month starts with a burst of energy and enthusiasm, with lots of planets in your work and wellness zone. The New Moon in Gemini on the 6th is a great time to set intentions that improve your work/life balance.  

Venus, Mercury and the Sun are all in your opposite sign from the 20th of the month. This puts a focus on partnerships of all kinds, so make the most of this positive energy. 

Prioritise self-care around the Full Moon in your sign on the 22nd. There are two Capricorn Full Moons this summer, so things could feel pretty intense for you. It’s the end of a personal chapter but the future will look brighter when the lunar dust has settled. 

Aquarius June Horoscope (20th January-18th February)

It’s all about your 5th House of fun, romance and creativity for most of the month. The Sun, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter are in fellow air sign Gemini, bringing some gorgeous vibes to your love life and passion projects!

The New Moon in Gemini on the 6th is a good time to start a new romance or creative venture, especially if it involves children or younger people. This could be just what you need to re-energise your year and make 2024 one to remember.  

The Full Moon in Capricorn on the 22nd hits your 12th House, bringing nostalgic feelings to the surface. It’s okay to reminisce about old times, but try to think positively about your future, too. With two full moons in Capricorn this summer, many Aquarians will be more than ready to close the door to the past.    

Pisces June Horoscope (19th February-20th March)

June is all about your domestic setup, with the Sun, Mercury and Venus lighting up your 4th House of home and family.  The New Moon in Gemini on the 6th could be a good time to start a renovation project, move into a new home or welcome a new arrival to the family. 

When the Sun moves into fellow water sign Cancer on the 20th, you’ll notice a shift in energy. Focus on romance, creativity and younger people to enjoy some much-needed fun times.

The Full Moon in Capricorn on the 22nd could deliver some unwelcome dramas involving social media, team mates or wider friendship circles. This could unsettle you over the summer, so opt out rather than getting involved if it threatens to disrupt your inner wellbeing. 

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