Practical Magic: Manifest With The New Moon in Taurus

Editor and Aries-in-Chief at The Zodiac Style. Studied at the…
After a hectic Aries season, the New Moon in Taurus signals a welcome new phase of the astrological year, encouraging us to slow down and tune in to our senses. The Taurus New Moon brings a practical earthy energy, urging us to pay attention to our bodies, our bank balances and the environment that surrounds us.
Here’s what the Taurus New Moon means for you and the rest of the zodiac…
Get Grounded: The Spiritual Meaning of the New Moon in Taurus
Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, representing stability, security, sensibility and stubbornness. Although Taurus likes to move at a slower pace, this is a sign that works hard and digs in their heels to get what they want.
Earth sign Taurus is ruled by glamorous Venus and the energy of this planet is all about sensuality, aesthetics and pleasure. So the stereotype of the ‘boring bull’ is not quite accurate, as Taurus only slows down enough to indulge in life’s luxuries. Sex, shopping, singing, eating and drinking are all favourite Taurus activities.
If Taurus has a fault, it’s that they don’t know when to say ‘enough’. Greed is good can often be a mantra of the Taurus who enjoys excess!
The Taurus New Moon presents us with an opportunity to explore our senses: sight, smell, sound, taste and touch. On this earthy new moon, pay attention to what your body is telling you, particularly your throat, and use this intuition to guide you.
When the New Moon falls in Taurus, it illuminates the 2nd House of the zodiac, encouraging us to slow down and focus on finances, self-worth and values. Your property, possessions and personal price tag are all ruled by Taurus and the 2nd House, so this is an ideal time to review this area of your life and set some intentions for improvement.
If you have personal planets in Taurus then you may feel the energy of this new moon more than most. Check the date of the next New Moon in Taurus and prepare to manifest some magic!
New Moon in Taurus Horoscopes for Every Zodiac Sign
The Taurus New Moon falls in your 2nd House of worth and values, encouraging you to look at money matters. What needs to improve or change in this area of your life? It’s also a good time to evaluate your self-worth and set some new intentions for valuing yourself more in professional and personal relationships.
This is a personal New Moon for you, Taurus, lighting up your 1st House of image, profile and appearance. Use the energy of the Taurus New Moon to set some intentions for improving this area of your life, where needed. You could welcome a new and improved version of yourself in six months.
The Taurus New Moon falls in your 12th House of spirituality and encourages you to rest, relax and recharge. Look to your inner world and use your intuition to set some new intentions that will improve your psychological and emotional wellbeing. You may also want to focus on your health during this time and improve your physical self.
The New Moon in Taurus falls in your 11th House of groups, teams and technology. Set some new intentions in this area to improve your prospects over the next six months. If ex-friends and lovers are in your life, find a new way of relating to them that is more beneficial for your future. This is a great time to start a new project or take on a new hobby that involves teamwork or technology.
This new moon falls in your 10th House of career, status and professional goals. It’s a good time to set some new ambitions and intentions that you can manifest over the next 12 months. Whether it’s a seat at the top table or a change in status, the New Moon in Taurus will support you. Aim high, Leo!
Your adventurous 9th House of long distance travel and higher education is lit up by the New Moon in Taurus. It’s time to leave your comfort zone behind and expand your horizons, both physically and mentally.
The Taurus New Moon falls in your 8th House of joint ventures and partnerships. You could be inspired to go deeper into a relationship or commit to a new financial project that requires you to merge resources and energy with another person.
Taurus is your opposite sign in the zodiac wheel, ruling your 7th House of partnerships and relationships. Set some new intentions for professional partnerships and romantic relationships to manifest a better situation over the coming year. Use the harmonious energy of the Taurus New Moon to improve your connections with others and reconcile any differences.
This New Moon falls in your 6th House of work and wellness, so it’s the perfect time to start a new routine that satisfies your legendary energy levels. The New Moon in Taurus encourages you to focus on self-care and nurturing your inner wellbeing by paying attention to the details.
The Taurus New Moon falls in your 5th House of romance, creativity and fun. This is a great time to start a new romance, passion project or side hustle that brings you joy. There’s a youthful energy on this New Moon that welcomes playful intentions, so it could be a good time to revisit a childhood dream. The sky’s the limit, Capricorn!
Your 4th House of home and family is where this New Moon lands. Look at your home life and set some new intentions in this area. Whether it’s a new home, addition to the family or an interior decoration project, the stars have aligned to give you every chance of success.
This new moon is in your 3rd House of communication, commuting and commerce. Look at your close relationships with friends, siblings, neighbours and colleagues, and any regular short distance travel routines, to see what needs to change for the better.
Taurus New Moon Manifestation Rituals
Your Taurus New Moon ritual should embrace the senses and welcome practical earthy energy. Staying grounded during the New Moon in Taurus allows you to connect your body, mind and soul with nature and the world around you.
With the help of the five senses, you can perform a Taurus New Moon ritual that aligns with the energy of this sensual zodiac sign:
- Taurus appreciates a good aesthetic, so make sure your eyes are treated to a visual feast
- Decorate your New Moon ritual space with flowers, crystals and luxury candles in Taurus-aligned shades of pink, green and brown
- Say some positive affirmations in front of a mirror to boost your self-worth
- Spray your favourite luxury perfume and close your eyes to fully appreciate the notes in the scent
- Light some scented candles and incense to complement the indulgent mood of the Taurus New Moon
- Scatter some rose petals around the room or perform your ritual near a flower bed or rose garden
- Compile a soothing Spotify playlist (bonus points if it features famous Taurus singers like Adele, Lily Allen, Kelly Clarkson and Ella Fitzgerald)
- Sing your affirmations instead of speaking them
- Hang a wind chime above an open window and listen to the New Moon vibrations
- Bring food into your Taurus New Moon ritual with some home cooking and baking
- Taurus is all about high quality, luxury ingredients so think organic produce, fruit and vegetable from your own garden or farmer’s market purchases
- Or, indulge in your favourite takeout meal or glass of wine after you’ve performed the ritual
- Hold your crystals as you perform the new moon ritual, paying attention to the textures and energy of each stone
- Wear something tactile, like a luxury cashmere sweater or silk shirt, noticing how the fabric feels against your body under the new moon
- Use some essential oils to perform a face and neck massage on yourself or someone else
New Moon in Taurus Affirmations
The energy of the Taurus New Moon is all about indulging in our senses and using the intuition of our bodies to guide us into practical action. Use these affirmations to channel the positive Taurus New Moon energy:
- Strong
“I am strong and do not let setbacks affect me.” - Stoic
“I am determined to achieve success by working on the things that I can affect.” - Stubborn
“I will not be moved in pursuit of my goals.” - Sensual
“I deserve to be loved and enjoy the attention of others.” - Practical
“I find solutions so that I can overcome problems.” - Valuable
“I deserve to feel loved, supported and adored in a material and emotional sense.”
Editor and Aries-in-Chief at The Zodiac Style. Studied at the London School of Astrology and The Sun Sign School. Whole Sign house system enthusiast. Born with Gemini North Node in the 9th House, so writing and publishing is my calling. Blame my Libra Rising/Taurus Venus for my expensive taste in fashion.