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The 12 Astrology Houses & Their Meaning Explained

The 12 Astrology Houses & Their Meaning Explained

Houses in astrology

The zodiac wheel is divided into twelve astrology houses with each house containing a unique astrological energy. The houses of astrology are super important when it comes to understanding your birth chart and the astrological weather.

Read on to discover more about the different houses of the zodiac…

The 12 Houses of the Zodiac in Astrology Horoscope Wheel

What are the houses in astrology?

Astrological houses are significant when it comes to interpreting your birth chart and understanding the energy of transiting planets. 

The easiest way to understand the houses of the zodiac is to divide them into a circle, like a clock, where each house has its own segment.

When reading a natal chart, the first house is placed centre-left of the circle and we then read the houses counterclockwise until we reach the twelfth house.

The 12 Astrology Houses

Every house in astrology is naturally ruled by one of the zodiac signs, so it will take on the energy of its ruling star sign.

The twelve houses collectively represent yourself and your experiences, with each house relating to a different area of your life.

The first six houses, known as the personal houses, relate to yourself and your personality, while the last six houses are connected to your experiences with other people and the world at large. 

Learning about the astrology houses in this order, from the inner houses to the outer houses, will give you a rounded view of yourself through your birth chart.

When you analyse your birth chart, or get a natal chart reading, the interpretation will look at which houses the planets and asteroids reside in. 

You may have more than one planet or asteroid in some houses and signs of the zodiac. And it’s also possible to have “empty” houses with no planetary placements. But the energy of the house will still show up in your birth chart via the zodiac sign that rules the house. 

1st House in Astrology: Image & Profile 

Ruled by Aries

In a natal chart, the first house of astrology defines ‘brand you’. This house shows what your first impression is like – your physical appearance, your attitude and your self-promotion style.

Your Ascendant, otherwise known as your Rising Sign, is located in the first house in your birth chart. Therefore it’s important to get an accurate time of birth if you want to know what the first house of your birth chart is.

When planets transit the first house of your natal chart, the energy is all about new starts, initiatives and beginnings for you.

2nd House in Astrology: Values & Self-Worth

Ruled by Taurus

The second house of astrology relates to your values and sense of self-worth, what you will and will not sell out for. 

The five senses of taste, touch, sight, sound and smell are ruled by the second house. Any planetary positions in your second house reveal your preferences for who and what you surround yourself with. 

Transiting planets in the second house bring energy or changes to your values, self-esteem, material possessions, finances and income. 

3rd House in Astrology: Communication & Connections

Ruled by Gemini

Your communication style and capacity for learning is indicated by placements in the third house of astrology. 

This house also rules your closest connections, including best friends, neighbours and siblings.

When a transiting planet visits the third house in your natal chart, it can signal news or activity involving your support network or local area. 

4th House in Astrology: Home & Family

Ruled by Cancer

Sitting at the bottom of your birth chart, the fourth house of astrology is positioned at the root of the chart. 

This house reveals what ‘home’ means to you and how you like to ‘mother’ people in your life, both children and adults. It also rules your home, property, family and relationship with your parents/mother figures.

When planets transit the fourth house of your natal chart, their influence will show up in your domestic life or relationships with your parents and family. 

5th House in Astrology: Love, Children & Creativity

Ruled by Leo

The fifth house of astrology is the pleasure zone, ruling fun, romance, creativity and children.

This house shows where your passions lie and how you like to express yourself, artistically and creatively.

Transiting planets in the fifth house of your natal chart can influence your love life, relationships with children/younger people and passion projects.  

6th House in Astrology: Work & Wellness

Ruled by Virgo

Showing up and being of service to yourself and others is the main theme of the sixth house in astrology.

Ruled by detail-driven Virgo, the sixth house relates to your work and wellness routines, influencing your preferences when it comes to health, fitness and everyday tasks. 

Sixth house transits can encourage you to pay attention to your body and become more focused on how your current work schedule and health habits are serving you. 

7th House in Astrology: Relationships & Partnerships

Ruled by Libra

The seventh house in astrology relates to your opposites in life, your relationships and partnerships with other people, both business and personal. 

Planets in this house of your birth chart can indicate how important other people are to you and what your attitude towards partners and enemies is. 

For example, if your Sun sign is located in the seventh house, then you could shine via the partnerships in your life.

When planets transit the seventh house, it’s often your relationships with other people that are affected.

The start or end of a legally-binding relationship with another person, through signatures on contracts, marriage agreements or business deals, is also ruled by seventh house energy.

8th House in Astrology: Merging & Transformation

Ruled by Scorpio

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The mysterious eighth house in astrology rules all the serious stuff, including commitment to another through the merging of energy and resources. 

Transformational themes of birth, death and sex are ruled by the eighth house, which is also related to interests in the occult and psychic phenomena. 

Transiting planets in the eighth house encourage us to focus on our commitments and deal with financial and emotional karma.   

9th House in Astrology: Expansion & Knowledge

Ruled by Sagittarius

The ninth house in astrology is all about expansion of your mind and your horizons through higher education, long distance travel and other cultures.

An optimistic house, it also indicates how comfortable you are with risk and adventure in the pursuit of rewards.

The travel, publishing, broadcasting and education sectors are ruled by the ninth house, so transiting planets can bring changes and opportunities related to these areas of life. 

10th House in Astrology: Ambition & Status

Ruled by Sagittarius

The highest point of the birth chart, The Midheaven, is usually found in the tenth house in astrology, indicating where you have the most potential.

This public house rules your career, mission, position and ambition, so if you’ve got planets and asteroids in this house it can reveal how you show up to fulfil your potential.

The tenth house also rules your relationships and attitudes towards authority figures in your life, including parents, bosses and lawmakers. 

Transiting planets in the tenth house of the natal chart can bring changes or news related to your career, social status or job title. 

11th House in Astrology: Idealism & Collectivism

Ruled by Aquarius

The humanitarian eleventh house of astrology rules people power, including your friends, teams, political parties and social networks.

Your attitudes towards technology, innovation and rebellion can also be found in the eleventh house.

The unpredictable energy of the eleventh house in the birth chart can reveal where you have the capacity to ‘shock’.

Transiting planets in the eleventh house of your birth chart encourage you to dream big, join forces and take a future-focused approach to achieving your goals. 

12th House in Astrology: Imagination & Spirituality

Ruled by Pisces

The imaginative twelfth house in astrology is all about emotional creativity, ruling the arts, music and dance.

Spiritual matters are highlighted in the twelfth house, including your subconscious, psyche, secrets and intuition. 

The last house in the zodiac wheel encourages completion of a cycle, so transits in this house can often bring endings or closure to a situation.

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