The Spiritual Meaning of the New Moon in Pisces for Your Zodiac Sign

Editor and Aries-in-Chief at The Zodiac Style. Studied at the…
Falling in Pisces season, the spiritual meaning of the New Moon in Pisces is about new beginnings in the 12th House of spirituality, religion, dreams and secrets.
Water sign Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, so the Pisces New Moon is all about checking in on our emotions before the astrological new year begins in Aries season.
The New Moon in Pisces is a good time to begin any new projects that have a 12th House interest.
Start a new yoga routine, join an online tarot group or set some new intentions for the year ahead by tapping into your psychic side during a Pisces New Moon ritual.
This particular lunar event is also a good time to set some intentions with your dreamy rose-coloured glasses on. The sign of Pisces is ruled by Neptune, planet of dreams and illusions, so let your imagination loose. This new moon is the perfect astrological event for manifesting your dream life!
If you have personal planets in Pisces then you may feel this New Moon more than most.
Check the date of the next New Moon in Pisces and prepare to manifest some magic!
New Moon in Pisces Horoscope
Read on to discover the spiritual meaning of the Pisces New Moon for your zodiac sign…
The Pisces New Moon in your 12th House of spirituality encourages you to rest, relax and recharge before Aries season starts in March. Look to your inner world and use your intuition to set some new intentions that will improve your psychological and emotional wellbeing.
The New Moon in Pisces falls in your 11th House, so this is where you need to focus your energy. Set some new intentions when it comes to friendships, groups and teams. If ex friends and lovers are in your life, find a new way of relating to them that is more beneficial for your future.
This new moon is in your 10th House, which rules your career and professional life. It’s a good time to set some new ambitions and goals that you can manifest over the next 12 months.
Your adventurous 9th House of travel and education is lit up by the New Moon in Pisces. It’s time to leave your comfort zone behind and expand your horizons, both physically and creatively.
The Pisces New Moon falls in your 8th House of joint ventures and partnerships. You could be inspired to go deeper into a relationship or commit to a financial project that requires you to merge resources and energy with another person.
The 7th House of partnerships and relationships is where this New Moon in Pisces falls. Set some new intentions for professional partnerships and romantic relationships to manifest a better situation over the coming year.
This new moon falls in your 6th House of work and wellness, so it’s the perfect time to start a new routine that supports your need for balance and harmony.
The Pisces New Moon falls in your 5th House of romance, creativity and fun, so this lunar event is pretty special for you. Whether it’s new love or initiating a creative project, you’ll be glowing with positive vibes during this new moon.
Your 4th House of home and family is where this new moon falls. It’s a great time to look at your home life and set some new intentions for what you want this to look like in the future.
This new moon is in your 3rd House of communication, commuting and commerce. Look at your close relationships with friends, siblings, neighbours and colleagues, and any regular short distance travel routines to see what needs to change for the better.
The Pisces New Moon falls in your 2nd House, encouraging you to look at money matters. What needs to improve or change in this area of your life? It’s also a good time to evaluate your self-worth and set some new intentions for valuing yourself more in professional and personal relationships.
When the New Moon falls in your sign, you’ll feel intuitive about what you want to manifest over the coming months. Tune in to your dreams for new ideas on what you want your life to look like and set some intentions to make it happen.

Editor and Aries-in-Chief at The Zodiac Style. Studied at the London School of Astrology and The Sun Sign School. Whole Sign house system enthusiast. Born with Gemini North Node in the 9th House, so writing and publishing is my calling. Blame my Libra Rising/Taurus Venus for my expensive taste in fashion.